Getting a good education at times may not be all too easy. For most, education is not free: First, tuition fee is very high regardless of the course. Second, the materials are costly, especially the textbooks. My husband has worked for one of the biggest online store before and he said that their store also sell textbooks as well as offer textbooks for rent. An individual may also sell their book when they create a trade-in account however they could not receive actual cash but points that they can use to purchase anything that is also sold and fulfilled by the store. Trade-in price is not reasonable shall I say.
Sheldon our friend living in Chicago now has a lot of textbook that he thought of disposing. They are really good textbooks and they were a little expensive when he bought them new. My husband knows where to sell used textbooks at and get the best price. We suggested that he sell textbooks at He checked’s buyback option and surely he was very satisfied. Actually he said they have best buyback offer and my husband agreed to that.